I Continue To Put My Faith In Jesus

I Continue To Put My Faith In Jesus

January/February 2023 “I continue to put my faith in Jesus.” I love living where I have a clear view of the Eastern skyline. As the sun rises each day, it reminds me that I have been renewed and can enter into the new day filled with hope. 2023 has dawned with great...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Excited for the New Year! This year has been an incredible year of learning new ways to connect with like minded partners to build a network of people and continue to grow this ministry. It’s been a privilege to meet new friends with the same passion to move the...
Christmas In Jail

Christmas In Jail

Christmas in jail. Have you ever wondered what it might be like to spend Christmas in jail? It’s probably not at the front of your radar and that’s okay. I don’t have first hand experience, however, I do know there is an opportunity for all of us to...


THANKFUL “Thank you for coming today…I can’t remember the last time I smiled or laughed.” (15-year-old male) During one of my recent trips to detention, I was disappointed to learn that only three youth requested to attend my group when I knew there were a total of 12...
Together We Can Reach More Youth

Together We Can Reach More Youth

Together We Can Reach More Youth. A few weeks ago I was in Colorado Springs with other YFC leaders from across the country.  We gather in person a couple times a year to encourage, share stories, laugh, cry, and grow together.   We drove up to Pikes Peak at...
What’s your Story

What’s your Story

What’s your story? Sometimes when I meet with youth at detention, I use a deck of special cards to break the ice and get us talking. Last week I had four young people in my group. I pulled out the cards and randomly gave each a set of 10.  With their “Hands”...