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Youth for Christ horizontal logo Mid Valley Chapter
Youth for Christ horizontal logo Mid Valley Chapter

Together We Can Reach More Youth.

A few weeks ago I was in Colorado Springs with other YFC leaders from across the country.  We gather in person a couple times a year to encourage, share stories, laugh, cry, and grow together.  

We drove up to Pikes Peak at 14,115′ elevation.  I felt like I could touch the clouds, it was amazing to see God’s creation from that view.

Youth for Christ horizontal logo Mid Valley Chapter

YFC Affinity Group 2022, Colorado Springs

After my time in Colorado God reminded it takes a team to do his work, I can’t do this alone.

What we’ve worked on this year to create opportunity for others to partner with this ministry, started with lots of prayer, a strategic plan and new vision for this community.  It’s been a year of growth, determination, persistence, patience, and listening.  I’m more hopeful than I’ve been in a long time, however, God’s timing looks different then mine.

For the past few months, we’ve been busy meeting with like-minded partners in person and on zoom calls sharing the mission and vision of MvYFC (Mid-Valley Youth for Christ).  The connections we’ve made have brought excitement and energy to see more growth and reach more youth.  One of these recent connections generated an invite to give a presentation at a local church in Lebanon, OR this last Sunday.  The folks there were kind and curious about God’s work with incarcerated youth.  We had a great morning meeting new friends.  Thank you Jonas and CBC for this opportunity!

We are sharing at another church next weekend and excited to see how God will us those around us to partner together.  We can’t do this alone, and we believe there are more folks out there who want to serve but not sure how or where.  We’ve got a place for you!  Together, we can make a difference in the lives of incarcerated youth.

Will you pray for us as we present our vision and needs so we can reach more youth?

Bringing HOPE to the hopeless.


P.S. Help us hire a Ministry Director, click the GIVE button below to donate.

Want to know and see more of what juvenile justice ministry looks like in this community?

Come See the Story!

We are offering tours of the facilities where we’re doing or plan to do ministry. It will impact your life and give you a first-hand look at the “inside”. Sign up for a tour on our website (click button below) and select the Get Involved tab. See you there!

Opportunities to serve.

Here are some ways you can get involved.

  • Volunteer, check out our website for multiple ways you can help.
  • Financial support.
  • Prayer team.

Thank you so much for caring!  If you have questions or want to know more, I would love to have coffee with you.

Jennifer Berg

Jennifer Berg

Executive Director


Bringing Hope to the Hopeless

Mid-Valley Youth for Christ
Juvenile Justice Ministry

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“Thank you for coming today…
I can’t remember the last time I smiled or laughed.” (15-year-old male)

During one of my recent trips to detention, I was disappointed to learn that only three youth requested to attend my group when I knew there were a total of 12 in the facility. The staff escorting us to the classroom was also surprised and asked a colleague, “Did you tell them it was Jen, and that she has licorice?!” Armed with this new information, the second staff member went back to the youth and soon, more than half of the 12 were settling into their seats, ready for the treat that earned me the nickname “The Licorice Lady” over a decade ago.

You might remember that when I do group at detention, I’m frequently meeting with a revolving door of youth because this is a temporary holding facility. So, while I can’t easily do Bible studies or engage in on-going mentoring relationships like I can with youth in long-term facilities, the good news is that in this more introductory context, I can use good materials on frequent repeat. And one of my favorite selections is to grab anything that Christian comedian Tim Hawkins produces because of how humor (in combination with licorice!) breaks down walls. On this night, the video’s main point set up a great conversation with questions from the youth such as, “Will God still love me despite some things I’ve done?” What I love about this (frequently asked) question is just how surprised the youth become when I say that God loves them no matter who they are, or what they have done (Romans 8: 38-39).

That night after the video, I was able to meet one-on-one with a 15-year-old young man who thanked me for coming because he hadn’t felt joy for longer than he could remember. Being able to bring a smile to the heart of a young person who has forgotten what it is like to feel happiness is both a burden and an amazing privilege. Thank you for participating with me in delivering the Good News to incarcerated youth in our community.

I’m grateful for your commitment to this ministry, and I wish you and your family a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday.

Bringing HOPE to the hopeless.

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