Never Abandoned

Never Abandoned

Never Abandoned March/April 2022 I recently met with four young men at Linn-Benton County juvenile detention and for a while, it seemed like the themes of abandonment, loss, and confusion…in other words, HOPELESSNESS was going to win out.  Have you ever been in a...
Bringing Hope to the Hopeless

Bringing Hope to the Hopeless

Bringing HOPE to the hopeless. Last week our board approved a new mission statement for Mid-Valley Youth for Christ: “Bringing HOPE to the hopeless”.  What does this mean?  It means we want to offer meaningful HELPFUL service to facility staff,...
With God All Things are Possible

With God All Things are Possible

With God all things are possible.  Matthew 19:26 I’ve had the privilege of observing Jen at work for over 20 years now and I’ve always admired her passion and hopefulness for incarcerated youth.  I’ve frequently felt gratefulness for her drive because the work that...