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May the God of HOPE fill you with joy…

For the first time, I have been buying school supplies, buying school clothes, and trying to figure out how to help a 16-year old girl wake up and get to class on time! I know you are laughing at me and I am too! Life as a first-time foster parent has been full of lessons, challenges and small triumphs and I am so grateful to be in this new stage of life. My questions are bigger and more complicated than they were before “K” moved in, but they are now also richer. Thank you for praying for us and please continue to do so.

Related to the ministry, I’ve been able to get to know a few kids at juvenile detention that have been there for quite some time. This typically is not the normal length of stay but it’s created a great opportunity to build long term relationships. Two of them are facing some difficult charges that will send both of them to an Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) facility for an extended amount of time. Good news is, they are both eager and ready to grow their faith in Jesus and have asked if I would continue to stay in touch with them. I’ve given both of them a bible and intend on following up when I’m back in town.

Finally, it might be a poor idea to schedule a root canal five days before your major, annual fundraising event…but we don’t always get to choose when bad things happen. Despite the unexpected medical procedure, I am excited to tell you about this event – our annual golf challenge. We have a great turnout of players and an amazing level of engagement from volunteers and sponsors – all of which provide so much encouragement regarding the community’s support for what we get to do within the walls of the juvenile facilities.

By the time you read this letter, the September 22nd event will be over but there is still time for you to be involved! You may recall that the Huddart Family Foundation awarded us a 2-1 matching grant opportunity earlier this year – they have committed that if we can raise $5,000, they will throw in another $10,000! During the golf challenge, we will be inviting our participants to help us raise this $5,000 so that we can end up with $15,000 and we would like to invite you to do the same. Click the button below, “Matching Gift” and it will take you to our donation page on our website. Follow the instructions and write “Matching gift” in the comment line.

We continue to listen and be obedient in our calling, Bringing HOPE to the hopeless.

“May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13

What a beautiful day for our 2023 annual golf fundraiser at Mallard Creek Golf Course!  There are so many folks to thank, especially all our sponsors and volunteers.  Because of them we had our best tournament ever.  THANK YOU!

Jennifer Berg

Jennifer Berg

Executive Director


Bringing Hope to the Hopeless

Mid-Valley Youth for Christ
Juvenile Justice Ministry

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“Thank you for coming today…
I can’t remember the last time I smiled or laughed.” (15-year-old male)

During one of my recent trips to detention, I was disappointed to learn that only three youth requested to attend my group when I knew there were a total of 12 in the facility. The staff escorting us to the classroom was also surprised and asked a colleague, “Did you tell them it was Jen, and that she has licorice?!” Armed with this new information, the second staff member went back to the youth and soon, more than half of the 12 were settling into their seats, ready for the treat that earned me the nickname “The Licorice Lady” over a decade ago.

You might remember that when I do group at detention, I’m frequently meeting with a revolving door of youth because this is a temporary holding facility. So, while I can’t easily do Bible studies or engage in on-going mentoring relationships like I can with youth in long-term facilities, the good news is that in this more introductory context, I can use good materials on frequent repeat. And one of my favorite selections is to grab anything that Christian comedian Tim Hawkins produces because of how humor (in combination with licorice!) breaks down walls. On this night, the video’s main point set up a great conversation with questions from the youth such as, “Will God still love me despite some things I’ve done?” What I love about this (frequently asked) question is just how surprised the youth become when I say that God loves them no matter who they are, or what they have done (Romans 8: 38-39).

That night after the video, I was able to meet one-on-one with a 15-year-old young man who thanked me for coming because he hadn’t felt joy for longer than he could remember. Being able to bring a smile to the heart of a young person who has forgotten what it is like to feel happiness is both a burden and an amazing privilege. Thank you for participating with me in delivering the Good News to incarcerated youth in our community.

I’m grateful for your commitment to this ministry, and I wish you and your family a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday.

Bringing HOPE to the hopeless.

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